Who, What, Where, When and Why
A group of 50 or so volunteers from the community, as well as people from several community and business organizations, are involved in the production and distribution of the Echo. The number fluctuates with the seasons and the time volunteers have available.
The Echo is a non-profit community newspaper. The normal print run is 8,000 copies. These are distributed to 4600 apartments and condominiums, 1600 separate dwellings and 700 businesses in Lowertown. The remaining 800 copies are left in over 50 locations in the community. The paper aims to be completely supported and self-financing through the sale of advertisements. Any loses are covered by the Lowertown Community Association and contributions from the community.
The Echo is distributed to every residence in Lowertown. Canada Post is used to reach the 5200 mailboxes in apartment buildings. A crew of volunteers distributes the rest.
The Echo does not have offices. There are editorial meetings five or six weeks before every edition where those wishing to suggest articles or themes gather over a glass of wine and cheese to make decisions and allocate assignments. With the onset of COVID, these have been virtual meetings. Regular communication is conducted over the internet or telephone. Also, volunteers gather once per year for a “staff” BBQ.
The Echo is published four times per year in February, May, August and November. Each edition begins with the editorial meeting, usually the first week in the month preceding publication. Volunteers working on distribution are only engaged in the April through November editions.
People have many reasons for being involved with the Echo. For some, it is a means of connecting with others from the community. For others, it is a way of trying new things and finding new means of expressing themselves. Many view the Echo as playing an essential role in defining or describing the many aspects of our community to others. There is room for every reason. Join the group