2022 13-3 June Real Estate

A home for all seasons

By Nancy O’Dea

We are often asked, “When is the best time to sell a property?” With the last two years being an exception to the general rule, we would say that historically the spring market begins in early March after the school break and traditionally goes into the end of June. That seems ironic when you think that most homes look their absolute best with lush gardens and green grass in about mid-July!

However, it is geared to time a sale when people are focused on moving. This tends to be as the school year is winding down, and folks are thinking about planning a move before school and want to take some time off in the summer to go away to a cottage, take a road trip or travel to parts unknown and make the move just before school starts.

The summer is a good time to address the maintenance issues on the exterior of your home that will come up on an inspection and prepare your home for a sale the following spring.

Repairing cracks in a foundation and the exterior parging or having walkways addressed and asphalt on the driveway repaired are all pieces that reflect the amount of attention your house has received during your tenure. First impressions are so vital, and a driveway in need of attention is a red flag to a buyer; what else will I have to fix before I get into the house?

Landscaping is the least amount of money one will have to spend for the greatest return on the investment. If you think you may be selling in the next year or so, invest in landscape materials to soften the appearance and enjoy the transformation, because you will see the benefit at the point of sale. It seems once the weather cooperates, we all love to be outdoors, so creating outdoor scenarios to enjoy dining and socializing will be a big attraction in a future sale. A pool is not always a benefit, but an attractive space using architectural elements for privacy like fences, pergolas or small water features like ponds and fountains can be attractive. If you can afford a professional landscape architect to create a vision for you, that can be money well spent. The transformation is usually quite extraordinary.

The most important thing is to enjoy your home, whatever it is. It is your castle, and things that you do to enjoy it now will often enhance its value in the future.

If you would like to understand the value of your real estate today, we are always available to assist you. In the meantime, we wish you a wonderful summer.