By Sandra Milton

On November 2nd, Constable Sébastien Lemay received the Police Professional Award from Crime Prevention Ottawa for his efforts to make our community safer. As many of you already know, Sébastien is the Community Police Officer for Lowertown and Sandy Hill and over the past summer was often seen riding his bicycle along our streets as part of the recently formed Neighbourhood Resource Team.
As the media release for this crime prevention award stated:
He is well-liked and has proven himself to be available, attentive, non-judgemental and sensitive to residents’ issues and concerns. Cst. Lemay is an active member of several community groups. He shares crime prevention tips, encourages residents to report crimes, and actively works to reassure the community when crimes take place.
Notably, Cst. Lemay helped demystify police for youth by coordinating a soccer game between youth and police officers during the LowertownCelebration. He also contributed to a new partnership between Ottawa Community Housing and De La Salle High School to reduce mischief in Lowertown.
Cst. Lemay has made a conscious, consistent effort to improve relationships between police and the community. Cst. Lemay makes everyone feel comfortable with his warmth and humour. This makes him an invaluable liaison between the community and the Ottawa Police Service.

many community gatherings addressing people on how they can work with
the police to keep their neighbourhood safe and free from crime.
Congratulations and Félicitations from the Echo and from Lowertown residents!
Sandra Milton is Chair of the Safety and Security Committee Executive Committee of the Lowertown Community Association.