2019 10-4 Sept Full PDF issues In this issue Issue Number

Echo 10-4 full pdf

The themes of this edition of The Echo are transportation and traffic –past, present and future — in Lowertown.  Three concerns stand out: initiatives to deal with commuter parking in Lowertown West, efforts to curb cut-through traffic in Lowertown East and the continued inaction on the King Edward Avenue file.

In reading the articles, you might detect a sense of futility and you would be right. Residents of York Street were initially very pleased when the no-turn signs went up. But the shine has worn off after weeks of watching cars ignore the signs with impunity.

The city is on the verge of proposing more superficial changes that will not address the problems of King Edward Avenue.

On the bright side, once again the heritage section brings the past alive.  A story of a house on King Edward that only lives on in our imagination, and stories of early travel and travellers in Lowertown. We also have our regular business and meet-your-neighbour profiles.

We have provided a forum for the candidates in the federal election to help inform your vote.

As usual, a request that you support the businesses that advertise in The Echo. They are what make this paper possible.


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